Monday, 20 July 2009


Two political investigative journalists from the USA, Chip Berlet senior analyst at Political Research Associates and Dennis King, author of Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism, for many years at the forefront of the research into the coded anti-Semitism of Lyndon LaRouche presented papers at an International Seminar held on Friday the 26th June at Northampton University entitled “Speaking with Forked Tongues”.
This seminar was a unique event where academics presented papers on the rhetoric on right-wing extremists. This led to discussions about how fascist groups use euphemism, codes and falsifications to hide a message of Bigotry and Prejudice.
The anti-Semitic conspiracies of Lyndon LaRouche were seen as a focus for study alongside the fascism of La Penne and the BNP with similarities and comparisons being made. The afternoon session saw families and ex members of the LaRouche network relating how their experiences showed how language that reflected falsification and anti-Semitic conspiracies posed a threat to their sons and daughters. Erica Duggan whose son Jeremiah died in 2003 spoke about what she saw as the language of Deception, the Language of Hate and the Language of Destruction. She related this to the evidence she collected from lecture notes and briefings found in her son Jeremiah’s bags.
LATEST UPDATE: United Kingdom. The lawyers Leigh Day and Co have submitted more evidence to the Attorney General for her to agree to the decision to proceed to the High Court to have a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Jeremiah. Suspicions are growing that there are people complicit in covering up serious facts about the context of how Jeremiah died. In order to allay these fears and to establish the full circumstances surrounding Jeremiah’s death the call has gone out in the UK that there needs to be a fresh Inquest in order to prevent other young people from being harmed in similar ways to the harm that befell Jeremiah. Previously the Attorney General did not consider the witness statements that had been submitted and we are hopeful that now Justice will be seen to be done in a British Court. The British police have the right to ask questions of the German police who it is hoped would share in the process of pursuing the interest of Justice. These could be: Why did the Manageress of the Schiller Institute have Jeremiah’s blood stained passport? Where was Jeremiah when he made the last phone call of his life when he sounded in terror for his life and begged to be rescued? Why has it taken so long to get answers to so many fundamental questions?
Regrettably the Constitutional Court in Germany after many years delay, have not yet come up with their ruling on whether or not there should be a full investigation into Jeremiah’s death. They are due to make a decision on whether or not this is a case whereby the Hessen authorities failed to abide by the European Convention of Human Rights and uphold article 2 which makes compulsory a full investigation into a sudden and violent death.
On the 29th June 2009 there was a delegation to the German Embassy to meet with the Deputy German Ambassador and present him with the petition calling for an investigation of Jeremiah’s death. A dossier was presented containing information on the LaRouche/ Bueso Movement. This dossier contained the conclusions and the demands agreed at meetings held in Germany and supported by German and British Members of Parliament. The request was made that this information and the demands be presented to Chancellor Merkel. It is important that criminal activities are fully investigated and that dangerous forms of organized anti-Semitism receive full investigation. The delegation included Jon Benjamin Executive Director The Board of Deputies of British Jews, Rabbi Danny Rich Executive Director Liberal Judaism, Chip Berlet and Dennis King, Political experts, and other concerned persons.